Advanced 10 PRINT variations - click the sketch to generate a new output.


"10 PRINT CIRCUIT V2" is a continuation of my experiments on the one-line Commodore 64 BASIC program "10 PRINT." There are a total of 13 variations - all with their own look and feel.

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This piece took me a while to release as I wanted to make sure each variation looked great as a standalone piece. You will notice that some variations look like circuit boards while others look more abstract. This is by design as one of the main goals of this system was to expand on my previous 10 PRINT sketch.

Each variation utilises perlin noise and trigonometry to generate a random number n based on the current grid location. n, is then used to draw either a line, circle or square at that position. The direction of a line is also decided based on n.

Each element's colour is mapped based on it's location on the grid and two colours generated randomly at the beginning of the sketch. This allows for some consistency throughout the sketch but also for some contrast between elements in the sketch.


Below are some screenshots of each variation. Note that the live sketch may produce different looking results due to different colours.







#6 has more differences between each outptut. I've posted a few of the outputs here.


Similar to #6, there are slight differences between outputs. View some of them here.







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